
About Myself

Hello here is Amy's blog.

        My real name is Siyu He, Amy is my American name. I'm young college girl from Shanghai China and I'm studying for my MBA in Rider University. 

          Basically my life is a simple life, Studying is the most important part in my life, it doesn't mean that I like studying, most often we do one thing is not because we want to do it, it's about our responsibility and mission. But during the studying I learned lots of knowledge that not only can be used in future work but also in daily life so I think these two years are very fulfilling of my life. 

          Expect taking classes and preparing  projects, I love listening music, watching TV serials and movies and traveling. 
          Talking about music, my musical taste is very "bipolar", I only like two kind of music: one is English pop music (U.S.& U.K.), the other music type is traditional or ancient style Chinese music. The English pop music can make me feel energetic and full of power, like I can do anything I want, so basically I listen this kind of music when I'm doing homework or in the gym. On he other hand, the ancient style Chinese music can make me calm down when I need the power of peace, and I can find emotional resonance with them, enjoying a free time. 

         About TV serials and movies, I prefer U.K.'s TV serials and U.S. movies. Based on my watching experience, the U.K.'s serials are more intellectual and have serious story structure, their story ranges are also very wide. Like literary classics "Pride and Prejudice", "Sherlock Holmes"; the current politics play like "Yes, prime minister"/ "Yes minister", "Allo Allo", and the famous "black mirror"  was talking about humanity and society. They are totally different from Americans TV serials. In my opinion, Americans TV serials are decide by audience, if audience like it, then scriptwriter will keep talking the story, if audience don't like it, then the serials will be cut. In my viewpoint, the best part of American TV serials are the first three seasons, after the first three seasons, the scriptwriter would talk the story in free ways, and get boring (Not every American TV serials, but some of them).

       Maybe next time I will talk about U.K. TV serials in details.

